Yale grad Dan Brooks (Bing Crosby) is expected to marry wealthy boss J.L. Higgins' (Charles Bickford) daughter Margaret (Frances Gifford) and join the family box-making business. He is far more interested in racing a horse he owns, Broadway Bill. Doing poorly at work, Dan and his groom Whitey (Clarence Muse) leave town to enter Bill in the Imperial Derby, but first must find money for the entry fee. He and old pal Professor Pettigrew (Raymond Walburn) each try to con the other out of a few bucks, then end up singing the Yale school song to get out of a restaurant tab they can't pay. Maggie's younger sister Alice (Coleen Gray) is secretly in love with Dan, so she offers him some money, pawning her belongings. Whitey is beaten up trying to win some in a craps game, and Broadway Bill is carted away because Dan doesn't pay his feed bill. Dan is jailed, too. A rich man makes a bet on 100-to-1 shot Bill, leading to false rumors that the horse is a shoo-in. The odds drop fast, but gamblers and a crooked jockey try to make sure their own favorites win the race. Broadway Bill somehow manages to win, but collapses at the finish line and must be put to sleep. A saddened Dan takes comfort in deciding to buy and race Broadway Bill II. His enthusiasm persuades Alice and even her dad to lend Dan a hand.
西洋古董洋果子店十全九美孤独二兄弟圣公会主学堂放学后的屋顶峡谷深处女校风波大千世界国际交换生潇洒先生伊克巴尔之化学秘方第二道彩虹好兄弟盗帅留香韦小宝滑稽人物魔力大篷车飞狗巴迪4:第七局获胜萌宝找辣妈黄金福将业内前五爱情攻略妈咪侠摇滚水果长寿商会巴黎厨房浪漫天降驴得水大叔阿什比摆渡人婚礼小狗当家三年之爱怀胎九月闪婚合家欢教数学的体育老师不做有钱人创业吧,骚年将军在上之芙蓉密案胡杨的夏天没毛病之决战天机北美乡村爱情恋爱之瘾我的学霸男友将军在上之极乐净土英雄凌凌GO长官你别跑贱神三少爷2冒牌监护人之寻宝闹翻天痞子校花变身记 展开全部
西洋古董洋果子店十全九美孤独二兄弟圣公会主学堂放学后的屋顶峡谷深处女校风波大千世界国际交换生潇洒先生伊克巴尔之化学秘方第二道彩虹好兄弟盗帅留香韦小宝滑稽人物魔力大篷车飞狗巴迪4:第七局获胜萌宝找辣妈黄金福将业内前五爱情攻略妈咪侠摇滚水果长寿商会巴黎厨房浪漫天降驴得水大叔阿什比摆渡人婚礼小狗当家三年之爱怀胎九月闪婚合家欢教数学的体育老师不做有钱人创业吧,骚年将军在上之芙蓉密案胡杨的夏天没毛病之决战天机北美乡村爱情恋爱之瘾我的学霸男友将军在上之极乐净土英雄凌凌GO长官你别跑贱神三少爷2冒牌监护人之寻宝闹翻天痞子校花变身记 展开全部