Madame Yanne is still a very young widow of an officer. She takes care of her pretty nieces Florentine and Juliet, who are currently living out their lesbian obsessions and are currently more engaged with each other than turning their heads around the lusty male world. As a stallion, Farmhand Erik was only too happy to jump at the two nieces. Inspector Simon has long been keeping an eye on Florentine and not only wants to get her to bed, but even marry. Mrs. Colonel would like to test his qualities as a lover in the horizontal for her niece. Also for Julia Yannes, a painter, is the suitable husband in the field of vision but she would like to test once before, whether he could make her happy in the future.
13号星期五私欲胃口神风特攻队的爱/愉悦与苦痛莎翁情史天堂之囚她美丽死亡滴滴车死囚之舞桃色凶车性爱故事星河入侵小镇女孩的性比赛小胖妞思春/姊妹情色香槟爱情西部狂野裸女危情瘾难耐旺达玩转华尔街透明人 Hollow Man偷窥者的自白偷窥游戏修女的情书性治疗营性欲高速公路性女暴力日记性昏迷性爱故事2之通奸出轨行为性爱平静日美国巨乳皇后美国色情史美国裸体主义情色地图慢性折磨呕吐室洛城致命娇娃街霸 真人版妓院练习生红鞋日记9:热线迷惘之城迷情机密归顺开放的美国学府黑色大丽花纳粹军妓血泪史美女与骑士萨德侯爵情人最爱抢劫赌场女淫妖/女妖纽约性爱大亨/欢迎来到纽约丽人标本/如何诱奸一个处女人性本色/人性污点 展开全部
13号星期五私欲胃口神风特攻队的爱/愉悦与苦痛莎翁情史天堂之囚她美丽死亡滴滴车死囚之舞桃色凶车性爱故事星河入侵小镇女孩的性比赛小胖妞思春/姊妹情色香槟爱情西部狂野裸女危情瘾难耐旺达玩转华尔街透明人 Hollow Man偷窥者的自白偷窥游戏修女的情书性治疗营性欲高速公路性女暴力日记性昏迷性爱故事2之通奸出轨行为性爱平静日美国巨乳皇后美国色情史美国裸体主义情色地图慢性折磨呕吐室洛城致命娇娃街霸 真人版妓院练习生红鞋日记9:热线迷惘之城迷情机密归顺开放的美国学府黑色大丽花纳粹军妓血泪史美女与骑士萨德侯爵情人最爱抢劫赌场女淫妖/女妖纽约性爱大亨/欢迎来到纽约丽人标本/如何诱奸一个处女人性本色/人性污点 展开全部