Dec 31st, 1999 and the year 2000 approaching, the worlds security systems were on the brink of total collapse. Known as the Y2K scare, the United States Government took precautions by backing up top secret files on two drives. From U.S. Treasury Records to military plans, these drives were to be guarded by the CIA, NSA as well as the President. The loss of either of these files could be devastating to United States National Security. Ten years later, a small town cop, played by: (Douglas Rouillard) investigates a series of murders he believes to be part of a serial killing and quickly learns it's much bigger. One of the drives went missing. The question is, Who took it and why? With the body count rising, and nothing adding up, he turns to his last resort for help, his brother.
偷拐抢骗2000追击者2008绝命北极狂暴2009怒火·重案江湖2004超级保镖2016同门2009大小通吃1973至尊威龙孽火1992西伯利亚2018光辉岁月2013迷局2011致命对决2013双天至尊1973夺镖2019幻影车神黑侠1996剑雨2010艋舺2010大追踪嗜血狂魔保镖1969暴力街区2014醉侠行致命金刚拳不速之客2014狭路相逢1998陷阱2012特工狂花1996噪反城市我是杀人犯2016谁杀了他逆战2012纽约行动艰难险阻危险藏匿野蛮人2012不朽2010温柔杀戮2012辣妹1998非法入侵2011告密者2010污垢2013绝地战将古惑仔之街头悍将盖尔王第一诫2008搜索2020 展开全部
偷拐抢骗2000追击者2008绝命北极狂暴2009怒火·重案江湖2004超级保镖2016同门2009大小通吃1973至尊威龙孽火1992西伯利亚2018光辉岁月2013迷局2011致命对决2013双天至尊1973夺镖2019幻影车神黑侠1996剑雨2010艋舺2010大追踪嗜血狂魔保镖1969暴力街区2014醉侠行致命金刚拳不速之客2014狭路相逢1998陷阱2012特工狂花1996噪反城市我是杀人犯2016谁杀了他逆战2012纽约行动艰难险阻危险藏匿野蛮人2012不朽2010温柔杀戮2012辣妹1998非法入侵2011告密者2010污垢2013绝地战将古惑仔之街头悍将盖尔王第一诫2008搜索2020 展开全部