An under-appreciated, over worked assistant entrusted with a million dollar necklace races to find out which of his friends betrayed him, as he battles a desperate criminal duo bent on stealing the necklace. Reminiscent of a classic, yet modern 'Hitchockian' thriller, with multiple plot twists and turns, audiences will be glued to the screen trying to figure out who is Guilty... who is Innocent... and who is a little of both.
布鲁克无敌车队拳神印度版打虎英雄穆卢干毁灭者柯南拉撒路报告托卡列夫拳神传说未知死亡江湖水监狱9413K档案艺术家 The Artist东邪西毒:终极版 国语版为爱叛逆2井典当行编年史降临午夜巴黎 Midnight in Paris特工狂花 2020出云之月刺客记忆之血月剑指同门匈奴王阿提拉十三刺客斗士战马宾虚 Ben-Hur黑帮暴徒 Tsotsi危情英雄古惑镇激斗少年2古老国度的传说勇敢的心末代独裁 The Last King of Scotland角斗士 Gladiator师兄撞鬼(粤语)望夫成龙(粤语)龙凤茶楼(粤语)捕风汉子(粤语)霹雳先锋(粤语)刑警本色(粤语)龙在天涯(粤语)霍元甲友情岁月山鸡故事怪物先生粤语红粉保镖2005红色天空猛龙生死决断 展开全部
布鲁克无敌车队拳神印度版打虎英雄穆卢干毁灭者柯南拉撒路报告托卡列夫拳神传说未知死亡江湖水监狱9413K档案艺术家 The Artist东邪西毒:终极版 国语版为爱叛逆2井典当行编年史降临午夜巴黎 Midnight in Paris特工狂花 2020出云之月刺客记忆之血月剑指同门匈奴王阿提拉十三刺客斗士战马宾虚 Ben-Hur黑帮暴徒 Tsotsi危情英雄古惑镇激斗少年2古老国度的传说勇敢的心末代独裁 The Last King of Scotland角斗士 Gladiator师兄撞鬼(粤语)望夫成龙(粤语)龙凤茶楼(粤语)捕风汉子(粤语)霹雳先锋(粤语)刑警本色(粤语)龙在天涯(粤语)霍元甲友情岁月山鸡故事怪物先生粤语红粉保镖2005红色天空猛龙生死决断 展开全部