This movie is a remake of the hit series which starred, Phil Silvers as Sgt. Bilko. In this movie, Bilko tuns the motor pool and has all sorts of scams going on like gambling, renting out military vehicles, and so on, which are all violations. However, his commanding officer, Colonel Hall overlooks them, cause he is more concerned about his future, cause a lot of bases are being closed, and the inspector, Major Thorn was on the verge of doing that. But when he heard that Bilko was on the base, he turned into a mad dog. It seems that Thorn was a "thorn" in Bilko's side many years ago but through a series of misunderstandings, Thorn was accused of carrying out or being the brains behind one of Bilko's schemes, he would be sent to Greenland and his career has not gone as he hoped it would and now wants revenge on Bilko. Written by {[email protected]}
真心话太冒险英雄无侠绣春伏魔传之大闹扶桑国滚动的钢蛋简爱之约半个喜剧爱情奇遇记东北雷神之误归原主绑架女明星李毅大帝皇上别碰我魏三传记之闹剧红尘囧探刘小唐2命运交织校花的泳装派对我的青春有点二闻香识爱女销售勇闯时装周杀手世界杯小小的愿望喜剧英雄决战龙门热血跨男尬情少女篮球冠军放过爱上冒牌空少冷血坏特工皇上命我来选妃心跳制作人神魔觉醒时尚女模头2一路川囧任性的硬币荒城纪金装少年唐伯虎跨次元少女大作战夺宝计中计特工小萌妻特工总裁小辣妹白衣校花与大长腿之狼君薄情特工总裁校花宠妻白衣校花与大长腿之特工娇妻超级整蛊霸王变化的季节我的冤家是条狗疯狂四人行女后妻相亲记丧丧的爱少爷求个签 展开全部
真心话太冒险英雄无侠绣春伏魔传之大闹扶桑国滚动的钢蛋简爱之约半个喜剧爱情奇遇记东北雷神之误归原主绑架女明星李毅大帝皇上别碰我魏三传记之闹剧红尘囧探刘小唐2命运交织校花的泳装派对我的青春有点二闻香识爱女销售勇闯时装周杀手世界杯小小的愿望喜剧英雄决战龙门热血跨男尬情少女篮球冠军放过爱上冒牌空少冷血坏特工皇上命我来选妃心跳制作人神魔觉醒时尚女模头2一路川囧任性的硬币荒城纪金装少年唐伯虎跨次元少女大作战夺宝计中计特工小萌妻特工总裁小辣妹白衣校花与大长腿之狼君薄情特工总裁校花宠妻白衣校花与大长腿之特工娇妻超级整蛊霸王变化的季节我的冤家是条狗疯狂四人行女后妻相亲记丧丧的爱少爷求个签 展开全部