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  • 年份:2015 地区:美国 类型:喜剧片 
  • 状态:HD / 04-07
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:未知
  • 简介:Barry Crimmins is pissed. His hellfire brand of comedy  详细 >


Barry Crimmins is pissed. His hellfire brand of comedy has rained verbal lightning bolts on American audiences and politicians for decades, yet you've probably never heard of him. But once you've experienced Bobcat Goldthwait's brilliant character portrait of him and heard Crimmins's secret, you will never forget him. From his unmistakable bullish frame came a scathingly ribald stand-up style that took early audiences by force. Through stark, smart observation and judo-like turns of phrase, Crimmins's rapid-fire comedy was a war on ignorance and complacency in '80s America at the height of an ill-considered foreign policy. Crimmins discusses another side of his character, revealing in detail a dark and painful past that inspired his life-changing campaign of activism in the hope of saving others from a similar experience. Interviews with comics like Margaret Cho and Marc Maron illustrate Crimmins's love affair with comedy and his role in discovering and supporting the development of many of today's stars. As a venerated member of America's comic community, Crimmins could be your newest national treasure. Just don't tell him that.
春娇救志明 粤语版勇犬大栗:中央公园的英雄 普通话版我的冤家是条狗 普通话版药神皇太子-龙之刺脱泳而出1飞狗巴迪4:第七局获胜 普通话版飞狗巴迪2:金牌接球员 普通话版约会大师之爱在响螺湾昨日之花初恋这件小事 普通话版猎犬强盗 普通话版向死而生希腊高速公路 普通话版Punching Henry武林外外传秀后人生你记得我吗山水驿站我是大明星2015假裝情侶两个妈妈一个婴儿夏克的爱迈阿密行动我想结婚的时候你在哪布吉儿姐妹坎坷人生缘份(粤语)天官赐福(粤语)三人世界(粤语)杀妻二人组卡车司机之歌卒仔抽车(粤语)打工狂想曲(粤语)爱奇艺爱电影:《天气预爆》小沈阳演绎阴郁雷神亿万神犬(普通话)亚李·爸爸两个大盗(粤语)老豆唔怕多精装难兄难弟(粤语)我家也有贝多芬人非草木一条狗的回家路(普通话)新喜剧之王(粤语)绿皮火车蓝山球队大电影求职记2016情场世界波有顶天酒店网聘女伴超能敢死队2016杀手阿一2001


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