Rose, a sweet, small town driving instructor, is gifted with supernatural abilities, "The Talents", which mean she can talk to the spirit world. Rose has a love hate relationship with her abilities, after seeing what they did to her Dad, Vincent, and tries to ignore the constant small-time spiritual requests from locals - haunted rubbish bins, tractors, children's bikes, frying pans etc, etc. Yet when her help is requested by Sarah, a teenager whose father, Martin, is being haunted by his deceased nagging wife, she is very tempted...Martin seems like a very nice man! Meanwhile, in a large castle outside town, Christian Winter, a washed up rock star, has a sinister plan to sell his soul for renewed success. He needs to sacrifice a virgin and puts a spell on Sarah, leaving her in a levitating catatonic state. Martin, bewildered, asks Rose to help him save his daughter. Martin and Rose set about trying to break the spell which requires the speedy exorcism of many ghosts before the spell ...
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第一天晚风吹北城妻子背叛我全网直播失贞阿兹·安萨里:夜店喜剧人诺亚方舟漂流记2吹梦到西洲退休老妈要上班勿忘师恩之先生大义秦总你闺女又去摆地摊了金蛇闹春从同学会现场开始教子需有方顾少权宠小娇妻复仇天降大任我的存款不翼而飞麻烦大了中秋明月照团圆山花绽放时2024乘风破浪之萌宝大反攻金刚之子1933以爱为名双生劫短剧你爸我真会徒手造火箭歧路兄弟恰似故人来福星到家门故山犹负平生月蓝色的花九霄神女真爱天知道圣诞骑行夜新夕阳玫瑰换母疑云,谁是我妈妈你是我的遗憾捞世界大富翁短剧版时光不曾遗忘你决胜反击那年中秋月正明锦鲤萌宝助我成传奇爱在尘埃里五十岁保姆嫁豪门BJ单身日记4茫茫夏黑月光爱的信仰二十九短剧梅花香自苦寒来妹妹说有我这种哥哥真不幸向善之人有福报 展开全部